The word course is not meant to be something you have to study! Rather, it’s a series of videos, audios, and transcripts created to provide you with direction to be present with God.
The four spiritual practices are:
You will find links to the audios and transcripts under each spiritual practice video. Simply click on the audio and PDF picture or link to open, then download these materials to your device.
Please start with the Introduction video.
Click on the Introduction Audio picture or on this link: Introduction Audio MP3
Then download to your device. Click on the Introduction Transcript picture or this link: Introduction Transcript PDF then download to your device.
Click on the Lectio Divina Audio picture to open or this link: Lectio Divina Audio MP3
then save to your device. Click on the Lectio Divina Transcript picture or this link: Lectio Divina Transcript PDF then download the PDF.
Click on the Lectio Divina Audio picture or on this link to open: Lectio Divina Practice Audio MP3
then download. Click on the Lectio Divina Transcript picture or this link to open: Lectio Divina Practice Transcript then download the PDF.
Click on the Prayer Audio picture or on this link to open: Prayer Audio Download MP3
then download. Click on the Prayer Transcript picture or this link to open: Prayer Transcript then download the PDF.
Click on the Prayer Audio picture or on this link to open: Meditation Audio Download MP3
then download. Click on the Prayer Transcript picture or this link to open: Meditation Transcript then download the PDF.
Life is a journey of growth. My meditation journey started by learning to be still – to quiet my mind, body, and spirit. Be Still and Know that I Am God is the first meditation that I created based on this initial experience.
After learning to be still, it brought up limiting beliefs and wounds that needed to heal. It meant letting go. That was the next stop on my faith journey, and I created the Let It Go series of 10 Meditative Affirmations to Let Go and Let God.
The final and ongoing step is that of trust – learning to trust God, myself, and others. That’s when the Trust Meditation was born.
So, the three meditations have been the process of growth that I’ve experienced on my journey of being present with God.
You can listen to samples and read about what others have experienced as they learn to Be Still, Let Go, and Trust God. The meditations are available as CDs and as downloads. CD purchasers receive the downloads as a bonus upon purchase. You can purchase all three in a discounted bundle.
Click on the image or through this link to listen to samples and read what others are saying about the Be Still and Know that I am God Meditation.
Click on the image or through this link to listen to samples and read what others are saying about the Let it Go – 10 Meditative Affirmations to Let Go and Let God.
Click on the image or through this link to listen to samples and read what others are saying about the Trust Meditation.
Save on bundles and free shipping on CDs and purchases over $30.
If you have never tried a guided meditation, this was a meditation that I led during the extra challenging times and events of 2020. It does not have a music bed underneath, but it will give you an idea of what to expect from a guided meditation to quiet your mind and to calm your spirit so that God’s Spirit will do the work through you. Click here to access the Breathe In Peace – Breathe Out Fear Guided Meditation, or click on the image below.
I wasn’t always gung ho about my faith. In fact, I turned away from my faith for 20 years.
Growing up, God was presented as the great score-keeper in the sky who would squish me like a bug if I stepped out of line. My prayers were filled with a lot of groveling instead of gratitude.
I had built up a lot of walls of self-protection. Raised in a home with alcohol abuse and violence, it was very confusing. I had to develop a toughness to survive and cope. Feelings were stuffed down and never shared, which caused me to stuff food down as my source of love and comfort.
The spiritual path that I’ve chosen has involved a lot of unlearning. I’ve discovered that God is not the great score keeper in the sky, but the God of love. That’s what led me to write God Notes – Daily Doses of Divine Encouragement.
During a month-long prayer retreat, I asked God to give me a word. God answered. God said, “Believe….
Believe you are loved.
Believe you are whole.
Believe you are worthy.
Believe you are able.
Believe it’s your time.
Believe I am yours.
Believe you are mine.
I believe in YOU.
More words followed. I felt led to pull 365 words from the Bible. During my morning meditation, my eyes would fall on a word and the inspiration came. These words weren’t just meant for me. A publisher contacted me and God Notes came to be.
I knew my own time challenge with being open to meditation, but I thought, surely people would have time for one word! So, when you don’t have time to meditate, God Notes will give you a quick word to meditate on throughout your day.
Click on the Prayer Audio picture or on this link to open: Contemplative Audio Download MP3
then download. Click on the Prayer Transcript picture or this link to open: Contemplative Prayer Transcript then download the PDF.
I hope you have enjoyed this mini course on How to Be Present with God through these Four Spiritual Practices.
If you want to stay in touch, join me each Monday in my weekly meditation email that includes a Bible verse and some inspiration to meditate on throughout your week.