About Jackie TrottmannÂ
This page may be about “me,” but my focus is really about “you,” and helping you learn the peace and power that God has in store for you when you learn to be still, let go, and trust God.
Who am I?
I’m an ordinary person who is experiencing an extraordinary life thanks to God’s amazing grace, peace, and presence in my life. Like you, I play many roles. Those roles are: wife, mother, sister, choir member, writer, speaker, workshop leader, course creator, and offering comic relief. I love my church, First Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood, Missouri.
I have been trained as a Stephen Minister and Stephen Leader and now serve others through one-on-one faith-based coaching. In addition, I would call myself a foodie and voracious reader, who is no longer a workaholic, obsessed about my weight, has made peace with God (that’s a huge one), and can sit still for 20 minutes (although my graphic designer says my logo should be a Mexican jumping bean). In those roles I play, I am seeking more play.
Why Meditation?
For 30 years I was a successful advertising sales and marketing consultant. On the outside I had achieved material success. On the inside I was emotionally and spiritually bankrupt.
Meditation changed my life. After one crazy work day too many, I turned to a meditation CD a friend had given me to keep me from losing my mind.
I popped it into my CD player and felt immediate peace. Prior to that point, for me, meditation meant doing nothing. I was a busy marketing executive. I didn’t have time to do “nothing.” That all changed after that day.
The benefits lasted FAR beyond the 10 minutes I spent in practice. I received peace, clarity, direction, creativity, focus, understanding, and compassion. I became a better listener, and most important, my relationship deepened with God.
These benefits were too great not to be sharing them with others. If you have a hard time quieting your mind, if you are always reacting and feel that the busyness and stress of life is overwhelming you and stealing your joy, meditation will help you.
Why My Spiritual Path Was Rocky not Smooth
I wasn’t always gung ho about my faith. In fact, I turned away from my faith for 20 years.
Growing up, God was presented as the great score-keeper in the sky who would squish me like a bug if I stepped out of line. My prayers were filled with a lot of groveling instead of gratitude.
I had built up a lot of walls of self-protection. Raised in a home with alcohol abuse and violence, it was very confusing. I had to develop a toughness to survive and cope. Feelings were stuffed down and never shared, which caused me to stuff food down as my source of love and comfort.
The spiritual path that I’ve chosen has involved a lot of unlearning. I’ve discovered that God is not the great score keeper in the sky, but the God of love. That’s what led me to write God Notes – Daily Doses of Divine Encouragement.Â
Acceptance is one of the most powerful spiritual principles that I have learned. My father suffered from mental illness. He was not in his right mind and not capable of being the person I wanted him to be. Accepting this fact has allowed me to love, forgive and have compassion instead of harboring resentment.
We have to let go of the past to move forward and to heal. If we don’t, we bring the past into everything, our relationships, our work, our present and our future. I share more about this healing in The Freedom to Eat – 10 Secrets for Lasting Weight Loss and Inner Peace. Stuffing down my feelings literally caused me to develop an eating disorder. (Which I wasn’t even aware that I had.) I share about my struggle and how I overcame it.
What Do I Do?
I love to create. I specifically love to create resources to encourage people, to help people heal, to grow in their Christian faith, and grow closer to God.
How Do I Do That?
My book: God Notes – Daily Doses of Divine Encouragement.
During a month-long prayer retreat, I asked God to give me a word. God answered. God said, “Believe….
Believe you are loved.
Believe you are whole.
Believe you are worthy.
Believe you are able.
Believe it’s your time.
Believe I am yours.
Believe you are mine.
I believe in YOU.
More words followed. I felt led to pull 365 words from the Bible. During my morning meditation, my eyes would fall on a word and the inspiration came. These words weren’t just meant for me. A publisher contacted me and God Notes came to be.
Here are some of the reactions from God Notes readers.
“When I purchased God Notes, I already had three (3) devotional books that I read every morning. God Notes is my fourth devotional and it has been the book that I now reach for first every day. The words touch my soul and it feels as if God is truly talking to me. Thank you, Jackie for sharing what God said to you. This book is a winner.” Ronda Blacker
“I have only had this book about a week but the Holy Spirit has spoken to me through it each and every day I have opened it! Put together with all the other resources that Jackie has available, I have been able to grow in depth and peace in my walk with God. Thank you Lord for bringing forth this book through Jackie! May she and all who read it be blessed! Amen.” Tiffany H.
“Jackie, I wanted to let you know how much God Notes is a part of my every day. Each morning I open God Notes up letting God choose what he wants me to know for the the day.
When I was young, my grandmother had a tray of bible verses. Each time I’d visit she had me select one saying God picked it just for me. I think of God Notes in the same way. I may not understand or realize at the time why he selected it for me, but He always has His reasons.
This books always gives me such inspiration to start my day. Thank you Jackie!” – Angie
Available on Barnes & Noble, Amazon, or get a signed copy through my online store.
You can also go beyond the book with me to discover how to write your own God Notes through this book study course with study guides, MP3 audio recordings and video recordings.
My Book: The Freedom to Eat – 10 Secrets for Lasting Weight Loss and Inner Peace
If you are carrying physical, emotional, or spiritual weight, I would venture to guess that you carry this weight in secret. I know that I did. In this book I share my story of struggle and how I was able to set myself free through the 10 secrets, which are really spiritual principles that I discovered on my journey.
Here are some of the reactions from The Freedom to Eat readers.
“I have struggled with my weight all of my life and for the first time I feel as if you have pointed me in the direction of the Truth and it is setting me free. I am following a low carb/high fat diet and was losing weight but was still a bit preoccupied with food. Not sure if I was eating from hunger or one of my many other reasons for eating. Then I read your inspirational book, The Freedom to Eat and listened to the meditation CDs. I have experienced a new level of freedom from all those unnecessary food thoughts. I eat so much less but feel so satisfied and am getting on with my life which is opening up again. I am one grateful woman! So much of the battle was in my mind. Thank you so much!” – Kathleen
“I never gave thought to the idea of eating just for the sake of food – letting food be foot – until, through this book; I saw the simplicity of letting a meal be just a meal, not a substitute for the things I didn’t want to face in my life. Now, I eat less, eat better, and enjoy my food in a different way. You are God’s instrument for helping others find freedom by telling them about the path you are taking to find yours. It gives other people confidence in the guide and courage to read on. God bless! – Louie
Find The Freedom to Eat on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and on my website where you can receive a signed copy. The Freedom to Eat was named finalist by the International Book Awards in the category of Health: Women’s Health (although, men are relating to the book too!).
Go beyond the book in a 5-week book study course with study guides, MP3 audios and videos. Plus, email me with any questions you have during the course. The Freedom to Eat Beyond the Book Study Course. I wish I had had this when I was going through my struggles!
Recorded guided meditations:
The world will ask you to be busy. God asks you to be still. These three unique meditations were created to experience God’s peaceful, loving presence.
Be Still uses the Bible verse Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.” With all of life’s demands, Be Still provides the means to step away and “know” God in a deeper way. Available in CD or downloads.
Let it Go – 10 Meditative Affirmation Prayers to Let Go and Let God to let go and let God love you. Let go of concerns, the past, mistakes and step into the ultimate person God created you to be. This CD/Downloads are the 10 Secrets from The Freedom to Eat.
Trust – uses a prayer for Trust as the foundation of the practice. There is a guided meditation and then a contemplative meditation along with relaxing music. Unlike Be Still and Let it Go, Trust is more of a meditation experience to help relax into a deep place of trust. Many people use Trust to help them fall asleep, including me!
A discount is offered on all three meditations when purchased together.
FREE Resources to Offer You Encouragement
Thank you for visiting! I hope to see you in my emails. I love hearing from readers and meditation purchasers.
Wishing you peace and blessings,