How to Let Go and Let God Love You,
Lead You, and Guide You
Instead of Feeling Overwhelmed or Defeated
Is there something that is causing you so much pain that you are ready to give up? Then you’ve finally reached the point of surrender.
You are finally ready to release whatever you have been holding onto and let it go.
Your Mind and Feelings are Very Powerful

Your mind and feelings can resemble a vault.
The Mind:
The mind stores massive amounts of memories, judgments, hurts, fears, and failures. If the mind is not cleared of the negative thoughts, they will continue to build and remain locked up.
Feelings: (And I would add your heart)
Also locked away are feelings of fear, failure, inadequacies, heartache, anger, resentment, abandonment, and any number of hurts and disappointments. Locking up these feelings also keeps other’s love away. This also serves as a vault of self-protection to keep from being hurt again.
The truth is, until that vault is unlocked, your mind and heart will not be set free. You unlock the vault by quieting your mind, letting go and letting God love you, lead you and guide you in your life.
Letting Go is a 3-Step Process
To Practice Being Still
To Practice Acceptance
To Trust
The Psalmist’s words provide the prescription for the first step: “Be still and know that I am God.”
Step One: Learn to Be Still.
The word practice is used above because it takes practice to be still.
Being still means to step away from life’s demands. In our fast-paced world, we’ve lost our ability to “be” human “beings.” We are always doing.
Life is full of distractions with work, to-do lists, electronic devices and 24 hour media vying for our constant attention. Step away. Be still. Be.
The apostle Paul’s words provide the prescription for the second step: “We know that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
Step 2: Learn Acceptance
When you hold onto something that has happened that is devastating: a mistake, betrayal, dysfunctional relationship, a one-sided relationship, a health concern, a loss of any kind, a trauma, you are causing yourself more suffering. Acceptance is a powerful spiritual practice. Acceptance doesn’t mean that the situation wasn’t or isn’t devastating, however, by accepting that it happened can allow you to deal with it. Accepting helps you to no longer be stuck. You can begin to move forward. Accepting will allow you to then say, “God, I accept this. Now, you take it. I can’t handle this alone.”
Jesus provides the prescription for the third step: “Don’t be troubled. Trust in God. Trust also in me.” John 14: 1
Step Three: Learn to Trust.
When you learn to be still you can face what is not working in your life. You can unlock the vault of your mind and your heart and clear out old thought patterns and feelings that kept you all locked up inside. Accepting what has happened will allow you to surrender that hurt and pain to God. It means letting go. When you do, you need to trust yourself to make good choices, to trust others to help you on your spiritual journey and to ultimately trust God to love you, lead you and guide you.
The easiest, fastest and most powerful way to quiet the mind, or, as the apostle Paul would say, “renew the mind,” is through meditation.
These three meditation programs Be Still, Let it Go, and Trust were specifically developed to help unlock the vault of your mind and heart so that you can set yourself free.
Meditation is Faith in Action
During a sermon, my pastor explained that in translating parts of the New Testament from the Greek, the word faith is not a noun but a verb. I love that, because verbs are action words not things.
Faith requires action. Meditation is faith in action. Meditation will help you experience a stronger faith. You will heal, overcome overwhelm and no longer be stuck in areas of your life.
These are step-by-step meditations help you quiet your mind, give you immediate peace, and let go of anything that is causing you pain or holding you back in your life.
Many of the meditations are short, under 10 minutes as well as longer versions and music only.
Be Still, Let Go, Trust
(click on each picture to listen to samples and read what others are saying)
The package includes: Three CDs (5 tracks on Be Still, 11 Tracks on Let it Go, 5 tracks on Trust), a total of 21 MP3 recordings, Let it Go prayer booklet, Be Still meditation guide PDF, Let it Go eBook PDF. CDs are replicated, not duplicated. That means that they are of the highest quality and can be played on computers, car stereos, and all types of CD players. Duplication can lose that quality. MP3 files are also of the highest quality.
MP3s are delivered via email instructions any time of the day or night. Expect to receive the CDs within 5-10 business days. (For international orders between 2-3 weeks.)
Don’t use CDs? Purchase the MP3s for yourself and give the CDs to a family member or friend.
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(Includes 21 MP3s, Guide and guide with 10 prayers)
By learning to be still and quieting the mind you will experience:
- Peace
- Clarity
- Creativity
- Productivity
- Compassion
- Joy
By letting go and letting God take your burdens away you will experience:
- A lighter spirit
- A lighter body
- Lightness in your surroundings
- Peace
- Joy
- Power
- Self-esteem
- Forgiveness, forgiving yourself and forgiving others.
By trusting, you will experience:
- Peace
- Deeper relationships
- Confidence
- Better decision-making
- Clarity
- Flow in your work and life.
- Allowing instead of trying
Learning to be still, to let go and trust has certainly healed and transformed my life. I wanted to share this same process with you. By stepping off of life’s treadmill to be still, I was able quiet my mind. I was able for the first time to listen to my body. I struggled with an eating disorder for 30 years. The weight I constantly struggled with I lost with no effort. I’ve been at my ideal weight for 15 years. For me, that is a miracle.
Co-dependency and setting no boundaries in my relationships were issues that needed to be brought to light. I have let those issues go. I no longer am a workaholic or work for dysfunctional employers. The personal relationships I have are deep and meaningful. I’m married to a wonderful partner, Robert. We share our faith, love for God and love each other completely.
I’ve learned to listen to the still small voice inside of me which is my soul, my true essence. I believe we all have a still small voice in us that leads us and guides us when we pay attention. It is also the voice of God speaking to us.
I’ve learned to use and trust my still small voice. I’ve learned to trust others and to trust God. All of this came about by learning to be still, letting go and trusting.
For the first time in my life, I am living from a place of truth. Jesus said,
“You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32.
When you live your life from a place of truth, you will live your life in freedom. The truth is, we are all children of God. We are worthy. Our purpose is to always be growing and to become all that God created us to be. We can’t do that if we are stuck. Set yourself free. Let God love you, lead you and guide you.
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$45.00 for all 3 CDs 21 MP3s, Guides, Guide, Prayer Booklet
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I wish for you to live your life joy, peace, power and purpose. So, I hope you join me and others all over the world who are discovering the power in being still, letting go and trusting God.
To your healing and transformation when you let go and let God love you, lead you and guide you.
P.S. Have questions? You can always contact me.

Founder The Guided Life