Weekly Inspiration and Encouragement Delivered to Your Inbox
The Guided Life
Living with Joy and Flow
“These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.” John 15:11
Are you full of joy? Joy is a fruit of the Spirit. When we seek a life that is guided by God, we can live with greater joy and flow.
I started this blog and writing emails in 2009. Little did I know that at the end of that year, Robert would come home from work to tell me he was just let go from his job. He was our sole source of income.
Along with losing the job, my mother had many health issues. I was taking care of her. Since 2009, this has really been a faith walk of trusting God.
The path has become even more challenging losing Robert in January of 2024 due to his long battle with Parkinson’s/Dementia.
The spiritual path is not meant to be taken alone. Jesus didn’t travel alone. He was part of a community.
That’s why I want you to join my community, The Guided Life and Living with Joy and Flow Community. It’s trusting God to lead you and guide you on your spiritual path and to experience joy and flow.
What will you receive?
The weekly email. I share encouragement through real experiences, stories and scripture each week (like the image with scripture above)
I’ll keep you posted on any new resources in the form of CD’s or courses to help you stay encouraged and strong on your spiritual path
You can email me with challenges or share how God is leading and guiding you too.
I hold all of my readers in my prayers.
I look forward to sharing our journey together!
Wishing you peace, courage and abundant blessings,

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