This is a true story of why I seek mystery instead of certainty. We all seek certainty. It’s only natural. We need to have our basic needs met first before we can consider anything else. That means our need for food, water, shelter, clothing, and safety.
I heard someone say that the only true security is maximum security as in prison. If you think about it, that is the only way to have a guaranteed roof over your head, water, clothing, shelter, and three meals a day with no worries about money or caring for any stuff. Uh, no thank you.
Jesus said, I am coming to you, and I speak these things in the world so that they may have my joy made complete in themselves. They do not belong to the world, just as I do not belong to the world. (John 17:13 and 16 – this is a beautiful chapter that I highly recommend that you read). (NRSV) In this Matthew 13:11 verse, Jesus says, “It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven.” He answered the disciples’ question of why he spoke in parables. Everyone did not perceive or listen or were be able to understand.
In the famous Lord’s Prayer, Jesus says, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10 KJV) And he goes on to say, “Behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21 KJV).
Jesus reminds us that we are as capable to do the works that he has done. In fact, he tells us that we will do works greater than he has done. “Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these.” (John 14:12) (NRSV)
Miracles happen all around us when we believe that we don’t belong to this world. I have decided that I want to live in the spiritual space of kingdom living. That means seeking mystery instead of certainty.
I would much rather be wowed by surrendering challenges to God because Jesus said, “With God all things are possible.” (Mark 10:27) (KJV)
Having lived past the 60-year mark (Did I type that out loud?), I’ve seen a lot of how God has mysteriously worked through times of uncertainty.
Here are just two true story examples.
Mystery Story 1 – Letting Go of Certainty
I finally decided to let go of my last marketing client whose checks were paying all the bills. It was difficult because he was my first client. Because of him, I was able to learn how to build websites and learn about online marketing. He was a bridge to pay our bills until Robert was able to apply for social security to support us. I liked him. He trusted my abilities completely. He is a doctor and always paid his bills promptly. I had grown his practice substantially. In that sense, it was rewarding.
I tried to rationalize that this money was supporting my work. But truthfully, it was just a distraction. One of my dreams was and still is to write books. Writing brings me joy, but my attention was divided. Each month, the work I was doing for him was stealing that joy and the calling God was putting on my heart. I became more and more restless. I made the decision that I had to let him go.
A new consultant came on board. I received an email asking to bring her up to speed with the business. We decided to meet. We immediately connected. She is such a smart woman! I didn’t tell her at our first meeting that I didn’t plan to continue working for the doctor. About a month later, I realized I had to tell her as my restlessness continued.
We met again. When I told her what I was doing with my book that was coming out (God Notes Daily Doses of Divine Encouragement) and the Be Still, Let it Go and Trust meditation CDs I’ve produced, she was elated for me. It turned out that she is a Christian too. So, I made a new friend and someone who resonated with my work!
Two Prayers Answered In Mysterious Ways
She knew of a woman that could handle all the responsibilities that I handled for the doctor. An introduction was made and the two of us talked. I explained to her how hard it was to give up my client and that I was pursuing my writing career full-time. She then asked if she could tell me a story.
She had a similar first client experience. He was a major source of her revenue. Like my client, he gave her complete control and trusted her with creating his website and overseeing his marketing.
One day, a tragic accident happened and he was killed on the job. During this same timeframe, her husband divorced her, leaving her with a huge house and her two children. It was a struggle to make ends meet. She had literally just used her last savings to make her house payment. She prayed to God that an opportunity would come along so that she would be able to keep the house and continue to support herself and her children. That’s when she received the call to connect with me.
I could have used the money and held onto my client. But when she told me her story, I knew that this was an answer to her prayer (and my prayer). It was also God’s way of telling me that by letting go, I was not only fully trusting him, but supporting someone else.
Mystery Story 2 – God’s Time Management
During the weekend that my mother suddenly passed away, Robert was out of town with his fraternity brothers. One of my friends invited me to a banquet on Sunday that weekend. I asked Robert if he wanted to go. He asked me what the banquet was about. I didn’t even know! I just knew if my friend invited me it would be something worthwhile.
Robert came home early around 4 o’clock to attend. The banquet was at five. We were getting ready to leave when I received a call from my mother’s facility that said they didn’t think she would make it through the night. I canceled the banquet. My son had been at his other grandma’s and I texted him to let them know what was going on. He cancelled the rest of his plans to join us. We were all able to be there with her. She died four hours later.
My brother lives in Huntsville, Alabama. He came up Friday and Saturday. He had a business conference the next week. God orchestrated all who needed to be there to tell her that she was loved and how much she meant to us. My son’s last words to her were, “Grammy, it’s okay for you to go.” We had stepped out for just a few minutes to come back later. The facility called us to tell us she had passed.
My son always works on Sunday. That Sunday he was off. I was amazed how God coordinated everybody’s schedules.
I would much rather seek mystery than certainty. For me, it is a confirmation that the kingdom of heaven is here. We’re living in it right now. The more we let go and let God love us, lead us, and guide us, the more amazing life becomes.
These were huge miracles, but small miracles happen all the time when we pay attention.
Mystery opens us up to possibilities. Certainty limits us. God’s love, power, and abundance are limitless.
If you have a mysterious story to share, I’d love for you to comment below.
I also call this mysterious life living with joy and flow. I have 4 Steps to Flow that I discovered during another difficult time in my life. God showed up again in amazing ways. You can access it by clicking on this link: The 4 Steps to FLOW.
Jackie Trottmann
May 3, 2021 3:15 pmHi Kakanwa,
Thank you for stopping by. There are lots of resources here for you to read and download.
Kakanwa wa-Kakanwa
May 1, 2021 9:24 amI have just come across it and need to learn more.