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The Lord is my Shepherd – What Leader are You Following?

Many references are made throughout the Bible about sheep and about the Lord being the Good Shepherd. There is the famous Psalm 23: The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall... Read More

Praise, Worship and Reflection in Scotland and England

I haven’t posted on my blog in a while because I decided to unplug myself from the computer. Initially, it was a tough decision to make. But in my quest... Read More

Fairy Tales and Happily Ever After

Don’t you just love fairy tales and the promise of happily ever after? Robert and I just saw the Disney movie, Tangled. It’s the story about Rapunzel, the princess who... Read More

God’s Door is Open 24-7

Two of my favorite Bible verses are Psalm 121:3 & 4 – He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor... Read More

In Tough Economic Times Count Your Blessings Not Your Money

It was an interesting year when our household went from two incomes to zero. On one hand, I wouldn’t be telling the truth if I said there weren’t mornings of... Read More

Who Can You Set Free Today by What You Say or What you Do?

Have you been set free or are you weighed down with the burdens of life? There are some days, weeks, even months when living a life guided by God seems... Read More